In class on monday Paige and I done a science experiment, We were learning about Dilution and what it does our science experiment was repeated.
Aim: To make a dilution series to investigate concentration.
A potassium permanganate crystal (KMnO4)
six large test tubes
a plastic transfer pipette
a test tube rack 10ml measuring cylinder
1. Put the 6 test tubes in the rack and label the rack with numbers
2. Using the measuring cylinder, fill the test tube 1 with 10ml of water then fill the empty ones with 5ml of water
3. using your spatula pick up a little bit of KMnO4 in test tube 1
4. carefully mix the water and the KMnO4 together until it has disolved
5. using the pipette carefully take exactly 5ml from test tube 1 and put in test tube 2
6. rinse the pipette throughly to ensure that no purple sollution remains
7. carefully mix test tube 2 and repeat the transfer process, transfering exactly 5ml from the soultion from test tube 2 to test tube 3
8. rinse the pipette again and repeat the transfer process for test tubes 4, 5, and 6
I saw that the colour changed when I kept adding 5ml to test tube 2 3 4 5 and 6 it went from purple to really light pink, The first one was the least dilute because it had the most KMnO4 and the last one was the least dilute because it had the least KMnO4 in it. I think this experiment is really cool and fun I recommend it for ages 10+.
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