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This is my score
My score was 70% Right Brain and 30% left Brain.
My Right Brain is dominant over my left Brain.
The Right Side of the brain controls the left side of the body that performs the creative and arty side. the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body that performs the science an mathematical.
My Verbal linguistic score is high. This is because I speak two languages at home and I like using words in English and Māori.
My Logical Mathematics Score is low because I don't like mathematics.
My Interpersonal Score is High because People who have High interpersonal intelligence are characterized by their needs.
My Visual spatial Score is High because I Love doing things.
My Musical Score is High because I love Music.
My Naturalistic Score is High because I like Nature and the outdoors.
My Body kinesthetic Score is High because I am Very aware of my body.
My Intrapersonal Score High because I take place or exist within mind