
Monday, November 19, 2018

SLJ Research about Australia

Hi today I am going to do some research about Australia.

I am going to be doing questions and answering them for you and I am also going to learn something, here we go.

What is the capital of Australia? The capital is Canberra.
The population of the capital city is? 447,692
In January, the weather in the capital city is usually? 
January29° / 14°5 days
The capital city is located in the? Doesn't say
The languages most commonly spoken in the capital city are? English with a accent  

Now I am going to do my conclusion, My conclusion is I think Australia is an amazing place and there are a lot of people that live ther and I would love to go but I will also love to go to Canberra.

Monday, November 12, 2018

A Google a day

Today for cybersmart we had to solve this, This invention was initially created as a walking machine and then was tweaked in 1932 to become amphibious. But neither of these are its main purpose now. What is the invention?

It was the first ever bike to be invented ,it is for both land and water it is powered by cable and it is like a cable Car and a Sumarine. That is all for my blog See you soon.

I think my buddy  Tehya and I worked well together and I think we should do it again.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Search Results.

When hou put something up in the search bar like seal what does it come up with? It comes up with the singer doesn't it, here is a link of what it comes up with when you search up seal.

Sometimes what you search up isn't what you need so make sure you put some detail in it like (Seal Animal) and then it will come up with the filters on the bottom of the search bar, the filters have like Images, maps, videos, more and search tools. Now I have a question to answer.

Who is Austin post. 

Austin post is post Malone.

Friday, August 10, 2018

What Respecting places looks like?

                                    Respecting places

Hi today we done a book creator about what respect looks like this is our DLO we want to share it with yous here it is.

Book Creator

 When we were doing our DLO we went around the school filming videos of the good things to do at school and we have the negative thoughts with it  This is all we have for now please leave a reflective comment using helpful thoughtful positive feedback and I will answer to your comment Bye from all of us.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Diagrams of the weather

Hi so today I am learning about monsoon rains and Tornadoes so I have done a drawing with diagrams and I have put at the top is the names of the diagrams I hoped you liked my diagrams

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Tornado in two bottles

Aim: My aim is to make a tornado in the bottles without it dripping.

Hi so today I made a tornado in two bottles and it worked but it leaks so I am going to tell you what I did and why it forms a tornado.

Here is a photo of my tornado in bottles

That is what it looks like

Here is what I did.

First I found 2 big bottles the same size then I put water in it after that I put dish soap in the bottle with purple glitter and then put duck tape on the two spots where they connect. Now I am going to tell you why it forms a tornado

The reason why it forms a tornado is because of low pressure and high Pressure and right now it is High pressure it is high pressure because tornadoes make cyclones and the cyclones are from the wind that is makes high pressure.

That is all from me Bye!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

My report

Hi so today I am going to be talking about what things mean in meteorology. Let’s get into it.

First one isobar, An Isobar is a line on a map connecting points having the same
atmospheric pressure at a given time.
Next one is isotherm, An Isotherm is a line on a weather map or chart connecting points having
equal temperature.
Also called isothermal.
The third one is a millibar, A millibar is something that meteorologists use, it is a metric
unit of pressure called a millibar.
Fourth one is front, A front is the edge of an advancing mass of air,
The Fifth one is prevailing wind, prevailing wind is a wind from the direction that is most usual
at a particular place or season.
The sixth one is doldrums, Doldrums is a state or period of stagnation or depression.
The seventh one is Cirrus, Cirrus is a cloud forming and shaped like feathers in the sky

The eighth one is evaporation, Evaporation is a process of turning liquid into vapour

And the last one is precipitation,  Precipitation is a action or process of participating a substance
from a solution.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Hell's pizza book challenge

Hi so today I have red 7 books to get a pizza from  hells and I am going to tell you about three of them so the first one is Giraffes can't dance would recommend this for 5 - 11 year olds and my favourite bit was the ending part when all the animals were saying that giraffes can't dance but the giraffe could dance, 

Here is a Photo of it.

Image result for giraffes can't dance cover

The Next book is the cabinet of souls I would recommend it to 11 - 15 year olds because it is from goosebumps horror storys but it is an amazing book to read my favourite part was when they turned into demons apart from 1 and she had to save them.

Here is the cover.

Image result for monsterville cabinet of souls cover 

And the last book was Elephant rescue and I would recommend it to people that can read chapter books but it is about Elephants getting rescued.

Here is the cover.

Image result for Elephant rescue book cover

That is all from me bye see you soon.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Weather balloons

Hi I am going to tell you the use of weather balloons, let's get into it.

Click on the link below to see more of my report.


My Poem

This Is my poem for science it is about the weather there is more on the slide show I hope you like it

Piggy sue

Piggy Sue

Opinion: I think the man was really nice to the pig. I think he did it so the pig can be his pet.

Click on the link to see more of my writing

Thursday, May 10, 2018


What Comes out of the sky for weather.





What happens with weather.




Monsoon Rains

The Weather is moving

The weather is caused by the circulation of air in the atmosphere. Air moves around the plants because of differences in temperature. The equator gets warmer because the sun shines directly on it. It’s cooler towards the poles, because the Sun’s rays are at an angle, and have less heating power. Warm air rises, cool air falls - it’s this air movement that drives the wind.

At the equator, warm air rises and moves away. It then cools and sinks in the subtropical areas (at 30º latitude). The areas of circulating air in the tropics are called Hadley cells.

At the poles, cold air sinks down and flows outwards. It is replaced by warmer air flowing in from above. These air flows are called Polar cells (above 60° latitude). In between the Polar cells and the Hadley cells, there are Mid-latitude cells of moving air between (30º to 60° latitude).

Air Carries water

As air circulates around the Earth, it carries large quantities of water vapour.

When the air cools, the vapour condenses into water droplets, and forms clouds. Inside clouds, water droplets bump together and get bigger. Eventually, the cloud becomes saturated and the water droplets fall to Earth as rain.

Warm air holds a lot more water vapour than does cold air, which can make the air in the tropics feel very humid (moist). This is also why Tropical places have high rainfall.

A water droplet usually needs a tiny particle to form around. Particles include smoke, dust or salt in the air.Air that’s very polluted creates smoke-fog (Known as smog) in cities. This air can be trapped near the ground.

High up in the clouds, it is very cold, and water droplets eventually freeze into ice crystals. (This height is called freezing level.) The crystals collide to form snow flakes, which fall when they are heavy enough.

Amazing invention - Cloud seeding

Scientist have figured out a way to make clouds release their snow or rain. A plane drops dry ice or silver iodide crystals into a cloud and water attaches to the crystals. Cloud seeding is most successful at producing snow over mountains.

Extreme weather


Jupiter has a massive hurricane (the red spot) that’s been blowing for centuries.Venus has clouds that rain sulfuric acid! Compared with the weather on the other planets, Earth’s weather has a comfortable range for human life. But, sometimes, extreme storms produce damaging winds, rain, and snow.

I learned that the weather is really important. So now I am learning more about it.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

My Writing.

On Saturday I went to my cousins birthday party at his house and spent time with him. When we got there we had heaps of yummy food. Then When we all finished eating we had cake and trifle.

When we finished eating cake and trifle we had a pinata that had heaps of yummy lollies in it. Later on  when everyone left we watched heaps of movies. One of the movies were the secret life of pets and we also played minecraft and played other games.

After that it was bedtime we watched more movies to make my little brother and sister go to sleep and when they were asleep we played on the ps3 till we were tired.

We went to sleep. Then when we woke up we played on my cousins new bike by the way my cousin is a boy so yeah anyway we had races going to the church and back to my his house. I won heaps of races but my younger sister that is 11 months younger than me won about 6 races.

Then we had to go home to go to my friends house and see them for a little bit because I have never seen them in a long time and they wanted to see me. So I went to see them and then we had to go shopping.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018



Image result for Psychology

What Is Psychology?
Psychology is about your behaviour and mental characteristics or attitude of a person or group. Also it is When Someones mind functions weirdly and it also effects peoples behaviour.

That is all from me, I hoped you liked reading this, Please give me a comment feedback to me and I will reply. Bye

Optical illusions

Image result for how do optical illusions trick our brains

How Do optical illusions work?

I can tell you how optical illusions work.

Optical illusion is when the colour changes and when you have finished looking at it you can see other things like Squares, circles that move but it is not actually there. When you stare at something for to long your eyes will start to see stuff and it is really cool, You should Try it.

Look at my one, It tells you what to do. I hope you liked reading my post and I hope you comment on it and give me some feedback

Thursday, March 22, 2018

My Brain

I want to find out what sort of brain I have.

Fill out questions. Add up the Answers.

This is my score

My score was 70% Right Brain and 30% left Brain.

My Right Brain is dominant over my left Brain.


The Right Side of the brain controls the left side of the body that performs the creative and arty side. the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body that performs the science an mathematical.

My Verbal linguistic score is high. This is because I speak two languages at home and I like using words in English and Māori.

My  Logical Mathematics Score is low because I don't like mathematics.

My Interpersonal Score is High because People who have High interpersonal intelligence are characterized by their needs.

My Visual spatial Score is High because I Love doing things.

My Musical Score is High because I love Music.

My Naturalistic Score is High because I like Nature and the outdoors.

My Body kinesthetic Score is High because I am Very aware of my body.

My Intrapersonal Score High because I take place or exist within mind 

Monday, February 12, 2018

Am I safe online?

Today we done How to be safe online I have some lists on how we can be safe there is Can't Share and Can Share. One thing is read my poster and listen to the can Shares and Can't Shares. This is to be safe online.

Friday, February 9, 2018

All About Me.

Hi My name is Tahnesha. I am year 7 student at Hornby High School and my teacher’s name is Whaea Raewyn. I enjoy playing Softball and netball. In the weekend I play softball I love learning with my friends. I also love working on Tables. My goal for this term is to learn division. This is all about me Bye thanks for reading.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Science Equipment

Test Tube rack with Test Tubes
Holding liquids

100mL measuring Cylinder